Monday 20 February 2023

AI's threat to Google is more about advertising income than being the No. 1 search engine, says researcher

Google’s Dominance Facing Biggest Threat Yet with New AI Chatbots The rise of Google as the most visited website has been undeniable since it first hit the heights as the leading search engine in the early 2000s. But now, Google’s reign could be threatened more than ever before, with the emergence of new Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots such as ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that can answer people’s questions and understand what they are asking. It is based on a new generation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology that utilizes machine learning algorithms to develop an understanding of what people are asking. These chatbots are now becoming an essential part of the way in which people search and interact online. They provide a conversational, personalised way of finding answers that would otherwise be impossible to find using traditional search engine technology. So why is this a threat to Google’s dominance? Google’s search engine works by using algorithms to process the searches that people enter, and return relevant results. However, this method does have its limitations. It can’t interpret the nuances of the language and often relies on keywords to try to determine what people are actually looking for. But with AI chatbots, the whole process is simplified. ChatGPT is able to understand exactly what people are asking. It can interpret the nuances of language, understand the context of the question, and return results that are far more accurate than traditional search engine technology. So, with more and more people using AI chatbots to find what they’re looking for, Google’s dominance is facing a real challenge. The impact of AI chatbots on Google’s market share is already being felt. According to the analytics firm SimilarWeb, Google has seen a 4% drop in market share in the past six months. This could be attributed to the increasing popularity of AI chatbots. ChatGPT and other AI chatbots are not only challenging Google’s dominance as the most visited website, they are also changing the way that people search and interact online. Rather than having to search through pages of results from a traditional search engine, people can now use the AI chatbot to get the answers they need straight away. This makes the process a lot more efficient and, more importantly, it makes the experience more enjoyable. AI chatbots are not only changing the way people search and interact online, they are also revolutionizing the way in which businesses provide customer service. More and more businesses are now using AI chatbots as a means of providing 24/7 customer service. They are able to provide personalised responses to customers’ queries and provide useful recommendations. This means that businesses are able to provide a much better service than they could before, without having to invest in additional resources. It is clear that Google’s dominance as the most visited website is facing its biggest ever threat with the arrival of new AI chatbots such as ChatGPT. With its ability to understand complex queries and offer personalised solutions, it is providing a more efficient and enjoyable experience than traditional search engine technology. As more businesses are using AI chatbots to provide customer service, it is changing the way people search and interact online. As the market continues to develop, it is likely that Google’s dominance will start to diminish. This could have far-reaching consequences for the industry and could even mean the end of Google’s reign as the most visited website. Only time will tell.

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The rise of renewables is not without risk for investors

Introduction In recent years, the urgency to combat climate change and abandon the use of fossil fuels has become more and more evident. Fortunately, the development of renewable energies has provided a clean and sustainable way forward. Now, with the growth of renewable energies throughout the world, they are slowly but surely becoming the primary source of energy. In 2020, renewable energies accounted for 19.1% of gross final energy consumption in France, whereas in the United Kingdom, renewable energies now account for a staggering 43% of the total energy consumed. Reasons for the growth of renewable energies The growth of renewable energies is due to a combination of factors. The increasing awareness of the damage caused by the use of fossil fuels has made the general population more inclined to choose a more sustainable form of energy. Additionally, the destabilization of the energy markets and the rise of energy prices has made renewable energies even more attractive to consumers as they tend to be cheaper in the long-term. Scientists and policy makers have also played a key role in the development of renewable energy sources, as many countries are now offering incentives and subsidies to increase the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power. Advantages of renewable energies There are many advantages of using renewable energy sources over conventional energy sources. Renewable energies are generally more affordable in comparison to conventional energy sources, due to the fact that they do not require any additional costs such as fuel and transportation. Additionally, renewable energies are not only cheaper, but they also produce zero emissions, making them much more environmentally friendly. Furthermore, renewable energy sources are also sustainable and unlikely to run out, as they are powered by natural sources such as wind, sun and water. Disadvantages of renewable energies Although renewable energies are preferable to conventional energy sources in most cases, they do have some drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages of renewable energy sources is that they are not as reliable as conventional sources, as the source of power (e.g. sun or wind) may be unable to supply a constant stream of energy. Furthermore, the costs associated with the installation of renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, can sometimes be quite expensive. Finally, it is also important to note that renewable energy sources could sometimes lead to disruption of nature, such as the habitat destruction caused by the construction of hydroelectric dams. Conclusion Overall, renewable energies have a bright future, due a combination of factors, including the increasing awareness of the damaging effects of fossil fuels, the destabilization of the energy markets, and the incentives and subsidies offered by countries to promote the use of renewable energy sources. With these factors in mind, it is clear that renewable energies are not only a viable alternative source of energy, but also one that is cheaper, more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the various disadvantages of renewable energy sources, such as their reliability and the costs associated with their installation. Ultimately, renewable energy sources continue to offer an attractive, clean and sustainable way forward in the fight against climate change.

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Russia–Ukraine war has nearly doubled household energy costs worldwide—new study

The Russia–Ukraine War and Its Impact on Global Energy Costs The Russian annexation of Crimea and its ongoing aggression towards Ukraine has caused instability throughout the region and has had a direct effect on energy costs around the world. With increased geopolitical tensions, global energy prices have spiked, forcing many households to pay higher costs for heating, cooling, lighting, and mobility. In addition, these higher costs are also indirectly impacting other goods and services throughout global supply chains. As a result, households everywhere are feeling the pinch when it comes to their energy costs—a pinch that is hitting the most vulnerable households the hardest. It’s no secret that energy costs are higher during times of geopolitical unrest, but the Russia–Ukraine war has presented a unique situation. With an international state of anxiety about the future of the region, energy prices are increasing faster than usual, and the effects are being felt in countries around the world. In addition to the direct costs of higher energy prices, the costs of other goods and services throughout global supply chains are gradually increasing as well. For households, this translates to higher costs for the everyday necessities like heating, cooling, lighting, and mobility. But who is bearing the brunt of these higher costs? That depends on a household’s income, how they spend their money, and where their products are sourced. Lower income households are most affected, as they often have fewer resources to allocate to energy costs, and thus feel the pinch more acutely. Additionally, households who rely on energy-intensive products, such as those sourced from global supply chains, also tend to feel the effects of higher energy costs more severely. The good news is that there are potential solutions to help vulnerable households cope with higher energy costs. Targeted energy assistance programs, such as those that offer free heating and cooling to low-income households, can help those in need. But for these solutions to be effective, it’s important to know who is most affected, to what degree, and why. A deeper understanding of the socioeconomic and geographical factors that are contributing to higher energy costs is necessary in order to develop solutions that truly make a difference. The Russia–Ukraine war has had a dramatic impact on global energy costs. With households feeling the pinch of higher prices, it is essential that targeted energy assistance programs are developed and implemented to help those most affected. A better understanding of who is feeling the effects of this crisis—their income, how they spend their money, and where their products originate—is the first step towards enacting meaningful energy solutions. Without this understanding, vulnerable households will continue to be left behind in this time of crisis.

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Neuromorphic semiconductor device achieves world's highest handwriting pattern recognition rate

Introduction Innovations in science and technology often lead to groundbreaking discoveries, one of which is the world’s first neuromorphic semiconductor device created by a research team led by Dr. Yong-hun Kim and Dr. Jeong-Dae Kwon. The team, in conjunction with the Korea Institute of Materials Science’s Surface & Nano Materials Division, have successfully developed a high-density and high-reliability semi-conductive device that uses a thin film of lithium-ion battery materials. This incredible achievement was made possible by producing ultra-thin lithium ions and then combining it with two-dimensional nano-materials. The Need for Innovative Battery Technology In recent years, lithium-ion batteries have become increasingly popular due to their light weight and high energy density. Lithium-ion batteries are found in all sorts of consumer electronics, from smartphones to laptops. However, due to their highly reactive nature, these batteries can be extremely hazardous, as demonstrated by the exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 debacle in 2016. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop an alternative and safer form of battery technology. The Lithium-Ion Battery Materials To address the issue of battery safety, the research team led by Dr. Yong-hun Kim and Dr. Jeong-Dae Kwon set out to develop a new kind of battery material. This material is a thin film of lithium-ion battery materials that consists of ultra-thin lithium ions and two-dimensional nano-materials. Ultra-Thin Lithium Ions The research team developed ultra-thin lithium ions by using a new method called “ion-slicing”. This method involves slicing the lithium ions into extremely thin slices, which then allows them to be combined with two-dimensional nano-materials. By doing this, the team was able to form a film that is one atom thick. This makes the film extremely lightweight and durable, while still maintaining its high energy density. Two-Dimensional Nano-Materials To further increase the energy density of the lithium-ion film, the team combined the ultra-thin lithium ions with two-dimensional nano-materials. This combination of materials creates a semi-conductive device that is much more efficient and reliable than traditional lithium-ion batteries. The Advantages of the Semi-Conductive Device The newly developed semi-conductive device has a number of advantages over traditional lithium-ion batteries. Firstly, it is much more efficient and reliable due to the two-dimensional nano-materials that it is composed of. Secondly, the device is much lighter and more durable than traditional lithium-ion batteries, making it ideal for use in consumer electronics. Finally, the device is also much safer due to its high-density and high-reliability, which reduces the risk of explosions. Conclusion In conclusion, the research team led by Dr. Yong-hun Kim and Dr. Jeong-Dae Kwon has successfully developed the world’s first neuromorphic semi-conductive device that uses a thin film of lithium-ion battery materials. This device is much more efficient and reliable than traditional lithium-ion batteries, while also being much lighter and more durable. Furthermore, the device is also much safer than traditional lithium-ion batteries due to its high-density and high-reliability. This revolutionary development in battery technology is sure to revolutionize the way we use batteries in the future.

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Researchers aim to bring humans back into the loop as AI use and misuse rises

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most talked about topics in the world today. From self-driving cars to savvy personal assistants, AI has become a major part of everyday life. Progress in this rapidly evolving field is happening at a dizzying pace, transforming the way business is done, and yet the potential negative implications for society are an afterthought. In this article, we will explore both sides of the coin: the incredible potential of AI as well as the possible pitfalls. The Potential Business Benefits of AI The captivating opportunities that AI presents for businesses are difficult to ignore. With the power to automate mundane tasks, streamline operations, improve customer experience, and offer insights derived from Big Data, AI can make the most complex business processes easier and more efficient. For example, AI-enabled chatbots can improve customer service by automating customer queries and providing timely answers. AI can also be used to develop products faster and more cost-effectively than ever before. For example, AI-based natural language processing (NLP) has enabled companies across industries to develop applications that recognize and respond to everyday language. AI-based automated decision-making can also help businesses get ahead by allowing them to quickly offer customized products that are based on customer segmentation and predictive analytics. The potential to increase revenue, accelerate innovation, and reduce costs makes AI an attractive proposition for businesses looking to stay ahead of their competition. The Downsides of AI While the potential business benefits of AI have made it an attractive proposition for many, there are also serious considerations to be made about the ethical and social implications. The first concern is related to job security. As AI-automated tasks become more and more prevalent, there could be a significant impact on the number and types of jobs available in the future. This could result in greater poverty, as well as a decrease in consumer spending, which could have a rippling effect on the economy. The impact of AI on privacy is also a major concern. Companies are collecting and storing an unprecedented amount of data on their customers, and AI algorithms are being used to analyze and interpret this data. This raises questions of who owns this data and how it will be used. Finally, AI presents issues related to bias, accountability, and trust. AI algorithms are often developed with incomplete or biased data sets, which can lead to inaccurate results. At the same time, current legal frameworks for AI are inadequate for holding tech companies and AI developers accountable for the decisions that AI algorithms make. Conclusion AI presents an exciting new future that could open up tremendous possibilities for businesses, but we must also be mindful of the potential pitfalls. We must strive to create an ethical and responsible framework for AI development and demand that tech companies and AI developers take these social implications seriously. Only then will we be able to truly realize the potential of AI while minimizing its risks.

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Are digital humans the employees of the future?

Introduction The advent of artificial intelligence has made it possible for digital humans to enter the workforce, replacing human workers in many roles. Digital humans are computer-generated people who can take on the role of sales reps, presenters, trainers, and even influencers in social media. These digital humans are vastly different from traditional AI, outperforming it in natural language processing, facial recognition, and even emotions. As they become ubiquitous, they are impacting how we work, how we interact with each other, and how we do business. What Are Digital Humans? Digital humans are computer-generated people, sometimes referred to as “virtual humans” or “synthetic humans”. They are created using advanced computer graphics and artificial intelligence, making them indistinguishable from real people. Digital humans are incredibly versatile, and can take on tasks that are traditionally considered to be human-only. They can be used for sales assistance, customer service, multimedia presentation, training, and social media influencer campaigns. The Benefits of Digital Humans One of the primary benefits of digital humans is that they are available 24/7. Digital humans never need to take a break, meaning they can answer customer inquiries, give presentations, and engage in conversations at any time of the day or night. They can also be deployed virtually anywhere, meaning they don't need to be stationed in a physical office or store. Additionally, digital humans can be programmed with multiple languages, making them a great choice for businesses aiming to reach global audiences. Finally, digital humans can stay on-brand at all times, giving you peace of mind that your campaigns are always consistent and professional. The Downsides of Digital Humans As with any technology, there are some drawbacks to digital humans. The biggest concern is that digital humans can lead to the displacement of human workers, which can have serious consequences for people who rely on those jobs for their livelihood. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of digital humans, as some people may feel uneasy about interacting with them. Finally, creating realistic digital humans can be costly and time-consuming, meaning businesses may need to make a substantial investments in order to use them. Conclusion Digital humans are becoming increasingly popular in the workforce, as they can complete tasks that are traditionally considered to be human-only. They are available 24/7, can be deployed virtually anywhere, and can be programmed with multiple languages, making them a valuable asset to any business. That being said, they also come with some drawbacks, such as the potential to displace human workers and the ethical questions raised by their use. Ultimately, businesses must weigh the pros and cons and decide whether or not digital humans are right for them.

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